Tag: stick 20

Caribbean Stick Epoxy

Caribbean Stick Epoxy

First coat on, second to come in an hour. Then 48 hours to cure before sanding, then CA glue, then oohs and aahs. Updated: 3 coats for Caribbean. I wanted it to look deeeeep. A lot of epoxy comes off sanding it down so it’s a perfect cylinder. Uh… Cone. Long coney cylinder thingamabob. #Wordsmith […]

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First blue on Carribean Stick

First blue on Carribean Stick

(updated images below…) This will take a few hours, but the first coat is on Caribbean Stick. Others get added on top to deepen and adjust the color. The waves are caused by the wood: curly spalted maple. It’s been stabilized, but the pores are still accepting dye. The darker areas are where the ripples […]

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Color test for stick 20

Color test for stick 20

This is a piece of spalted and stabilized maple, the same wood as Stick 20: Caribbean Stick. The shine is 4 coats of CA glue, (not much), a quick wet sand up to 4000, and a topping of turner’s wax. The actual finish will be 2 coats of clear epoxy, 15 CA glue, and cue […]

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Stick 20 at final size for coloring

Stick 20 at final size for coloring

Caribbean stick will be 6 shades of blue. I’ll do color tests and post them, and the stick owner will be able to give feedback on the colors… Til then, Carribean’s got her final shape (except for the final sand, which I’ll do after coloring). All spalted maple (stabilized, meaning, it’s been dried and most […]

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#Stick 20 first cuts

Three videos, the first is just a milestone for Karen — your stick getting its first cuts. The second shows a little more of the stick. Third, the joint pin. One appreciates geometry when making sticks out of several pieces of wood. On this video you can see how one section (the part being cut) […]

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