This is a piece of spalted and stabilized maple, the same wood as Stick 20: Caribbean Stick. The shine is 4 coats of CA glue, (not much), a quick wet sand up to 4000, and a topping of turner’s wax. The actual finish will be 2 coats of clear epoxy, 15 CA glue, and cue wax. The luster will be much deeper on the stick than the color test. I only added the finish because it darkens the color and gives a true estimate of what’s possible.

This is a custom job. We’re looking for 6 ocean colors to blend into a single stick, so the lighter blues are at one end and the darker at the other. Which is subject to change, per the owner. That’s the beauty of custom work.

(more below)

The rod above shows 3 ways to apply 4 colors.

Each dark bar is undiluted, showing the absolute darkest each color can be. The color on either side of each dark section is the same color, with a light application on the left, and a darker application on the right.

Looking for a custom stick, done the way you want in every detail? Check out to see what it’s all about. Any stick in the process of being built can be bought and customized, or we’ll start from scratch to give you the stick you want.

2 responses to “Color test for stick 20”

  1. Karen Ette Avatar
    Karen Ette

    Oh this is going to be so so beautiful! I was thinking the darker colors on the bumper end, fading to lighter toward the tip? Is a fade possible? Thank you so so much!!

    1. admin

      Yes, absolutely. They’re in this order because I wanted to keep a light and dark application of each separate color side by side. If you like the colors, I can organize them light to dark and then fade them as you say, so the whole stick has a blended look that gradually darkens.

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