Month: July 2022

#Stick 21 first cuts

#Stick 21 first cuts

The objective of the cut I’m making below is to get enough of the fat side of the stick turned on the stick’s axis (which, from the perspective of the stick, is new — all the pieces before were turned on their own axis’, this step is getting them all on the same page, so […]

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#Stick 20 first cuts

Three videos, the first is just a milestone for Karen — your stick getting its first cuts. The second shows a little more of the stick. Third, the joint pin. One appreciates geometry when making sticks out of several pieces of wood. On this video you can see how one section (the part being cut) […]

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Stick 21 ready to glue

Stick 21 ready to glue

This is an Excalibur model, a hero -wielded weapon on the blood-red felt. Or green. Whatever. Like that Michael Keyton line. You running 220 to that outlet? Yeah. 220, 221. Whatever it takes. Whatever felt hosts your particular battle, the Eexcalibur stick is made the way you like it, and the cost is based on […]

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#Stick 21: Dennis

#Stick 21: Dennis

Dennis wanted stick 19 but it sold before he grabbed it. I’m building another for him — and so far, he doesn’t know — so I wanted to give him a surprise look at something integral to stick building (the way I do it. Materials place demands on construction.) I core every stick. Meaning, I […]

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Absolutely Nothing to Fear

Absolutely Nothing to Fear

Never feel powerless. The moment you decide, the vacuum fills. Probability yields to possibility as things that were set to go one way react to your decision — inexorably, as a chemical reaction is inexorable, baked in, to the nature of the chemicals reacting. They react because that is what they are and what they […]

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Stick 19 ready to sand/finish

Stick 19 ready to sand/finish

Purple Object Ball Eater is 18.9 ounces and 60.5 inches. It looks as if the butt is much longer than the shaft, but part of that is the joint protector. It’s waaaay long and will be cut back. Won’t fit a bag. Bus aside from that, the butt is longer, and this stick has a […]

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