3 responses to “Caribbean stick #20 about to get shape”
Because the site was down, I’ve been unable to upload updates. Caribbean stick has its shape now. I ordered some water based dyes to test along with my resin dyes to see which gives us the best look. I think it will be water… we shall soon see. I’ll post the experimental colors and we can discuss what effects you like and dislike, before Caribbean stick turns blue.
Yeah, I missed the site for a couple days, but I knew you’d figger it out. The first time I read your last message, I read “I think it will be water” not as which application works best, but as when I see the stick it will be water – the water of Turks and Caicos – and I thought it sounded perfect! I liked the way i read it lol!
Thank you for the update! Looking forward to seeing the test dyes. Have a great weekend!
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