First coat on, second to come in an hour. Then 48 hours to cure before sanding, then CA glue, then oohs and aahs.
Updated: 3 coats for Caribbean. I wanted it to look deeeeep. A lot of epoxy comes off sanding it down so it’s a perfect cylinder. Uh… Cone. Long coney cylinder thingamabob.
#Wordsmith 🙂
Second coat:
Third coat:
2 responses to “Caribbean Stick Epoxy”
It’s the most beautiful pool cue I’ve ever seen! Thank you thank you thank you!! I love it!
Stick #024 “Miss Sarah Phim”$899.00 – $1,024.00
Stick #023 “Pale Horse”$899.00 – $1,349.00
Stick #022 “Bruiser”$599.00
Stick #020 “Plain Ash Stick”$499.00
Stick #021 “Bob” aka “Black Orange Black”$999.00
Stick #019 “Seraphim”$799.00 – $999.00
Stick #018 “Idunno”$699.00 – $999.00
Stick #003: Dennis’ Stick (Purchased)$899.00
Stick #002: Caribbean (purchased)$999.00
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