This stick is reserved for my loyal reader and promoter, Dennis W. He’s been a big fan of my work for a long time and he wanted Purpble Object Ball Eater, Stick 1, made of purple ash. I have enough for one more purple stick out of ash, and if he likes this one, it’s his. If not, the stick’ll be up for grabs. In the meantime if you want a purple one let me know. I have a little maple and a little birch with a cool speckled pattern I’m dying to see in a stick.
Product Serial Number: #0003
This stick is under construction with an expected completion date in early August 2022.
As work is accomplished I’ll update the photo, leaving the old to show the history.
All woods except the hickory and maple core are spalted — which means the wood has been partly digested by fungi, removing mass and strength but leaving pretty lines and colors.
The stabilizing process removes moisture and air from the wood and fills the pores with resin. Heated, the resin cures the spongy, punky wood into blocks that are stronger than the wood was when green.
Standard v. One of a Kind: One of a Kind
Cue Type: Regular Play Cue
Core: Hickory tenoned into hard maple with 5/16″ threaded connector
Finish: 2 coats epoxy, 15 coats CA glue, turner’s wax.
Shaft Type: Carbon Fiber
Joint Type: Radius/Ball Thread 3/8″
Shaft Diameter: 12.5mm;
Shaft Taper: Pro Taper
Warranty: Lifetime
Length: 59 inches