I lost my other Fucky Fucky hat, the blue one, when I rolled my 4 wheeler a month and a fortnight back. I went back looking for it after a month passed, but I didn’t find it.

So I made this one. Corduroy, since winter’s coming.

Prettttttty Slick.

Also, I’m thinking about getting a logo designed. Something that has a pit bull’s face on it. I don’t know how to get from there to, oh yeah, that’s totally fucking righteous and badass.

If you have thoughts, let me know in the comments below.

2 responses to “Look what came in the mail!; PLUS Your chance to inspire the Character Cues logo”

  1. Roselene Farr Avatar
    Roselene Farr

    You’re a Hoot!!! Love the hat! How did you know how to make it?

    1. admin

      I’ve done other hats and clothes for my Baer Creighton Shop. This is from there, just not listed for sale yet.

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