The stick as shown has a coat of wax that was once-buffed. It’ll get a buff and another coat today, plus some work (already completed) at the joint. The shaft has no ferrule or tip yet.

It all comes together today and stick 1 will be ready to pack delicately and ship to Arizona. I’ll have a more thorough review of the stick when it’s fini fini, and not just almo fini.

That’s the language I use so Jovi understands my shop work.

2 responses to “Purple Object Ball Eater will finish today”

  1. Karen Ette Avatar
    Karen Ette

    Absolutely gorgeous! But please don’t ship to my house in AZ! We won’t be there until the end of Oct, we’ll be trucking until then. I thought I put Harry’s sister’s address on the order but paypal might have gone to default or something. I just don’t want Purple Object Ball Eater (or my Caribbean) to sit on my porch in the AZ heat for any time, until my neighbor can get it. We go through St Louis regularly and can get both sticks from his sister whenever we want. I’ll PM you her address. I can’t wait to see them both in person and then go kickass at the tables in October when we’re off work! Thank you!! 😃🥳🌞

    1. admin

      I saw your message and you are correct about the address on the order. They will go to St Charles.

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