This is my most watched stick and I understand why. I suspect it’ll be more so after this update.

I’m stoked about how bright Psycho Red is. I’ll bet it almost glows in the pool room — you know how it gets shady in them places sometimes.

So far Psycho Red’s coming in at 59 inches and 17.8 ounces. Spalted/stabilized maple under coats and coats of various reds, plus wine and pink. The core is hickory.

Need a heavier stick? Psycho Red could make it up to about 21 ounces if a shooter wanted.

Comes with a Pool Dawg hard case, joint protector, and tip shaper/chalker.

It has my name on it. Does it have yours too?

Here it is with the lathe turned off. We’re 8 coats in, need another 7 to get the depth of finish I want before making it shine. If I had more ambition it’d be done in a day. But I’m still recovering from a stomach flu and I’ll probably just watch conspiracy videos tonight.

One response to “Psycho Red Nears the Finish”

  1. Karen Ette Avatar
    Karen Ette

    Man oh man, I am tempted yet again! So beautiful!!

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