Every lie creates an error in the mental map of the person who hears it. Based on the untruth, you expect reality to be a certain way. You believe, you spend, you vote, and once you take the action, the pretense that got you there doesn’t matter. You can’t go back and live your life again, the way you would have, if you had known the truth.
The difference between what is, and what you believe, can enslave you. That’s not hyperbole.
To a degree, we are all slaves to lies we haven’t yet unearthed.
Liars want you to make an error in judgement that benefits them.
Lying is theft.
Fuck liars.
Condemn them.
Call them out, every time.
No society can withstand its government, media, and general population being constant liars.
The highest truth of all: I prefer the company of an honest person, no matter race, creed whatever, over a person resembling me in every regard, but also being a liar.
Here’s a nice image I lucked into snapping. Anyone know what this purty bird is?

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