Stick 75 Reveille!

Stick 75 Reveille!



The Reynoldsville Food Pantry in my eyes is the literal hands and feet of Jesus. It exists because people choose to love one another, especially those who for whatever reason at the moment are not among the prosperous, and whose need for that love is palpable in their lives. The Food Pantry matters like few things do. Old people. Young people. Unemployed. Underemployed. Disabled. Souls of all kinds. Read the parable about the sheep and goats: When we help them, we help Him. Christ calls himself these people.

And I’m thankful because I’m a headstrong fool and got myself into a pickle, and the Reynoldsville Food Pantry made what few dollars I had pay a lot more bills than they otherwise would have. I’m grateful, and because of that as Character Cues grows, it is going to do its utmost to share the love of Christ to hungry people in my neck of the woods.

All of the proceeds of this auction cue will benefit the Reynoldsville Food Pantry. If you are able, please go deep on this one. It matters to real people.


PS: I picked a genuwayan humdinger stunner of a cue for the benefit! Black cherry burl, maple with the squiggles, purple on green diamond inlays, and a birch shaft with a matching burl ring — it’ll play like maple with attitude. And mixed-martial arts training.

You’re going to feel good winning this auction.




Woods Used

  • Butt: Maple (forearm), Black Cherry Burl (handle), Walnut (thin rings) Beech & Birch inlay rings
  • Shaft: shaft is birch (snappier than maple), black cherry burl decorative ring, beech rings (thin)

Cue Weight: 18.9 oz. drilled and tapped to add up to 1.5 oz.

Cue Length: 60 1/8″

Butt Length: 30 1/8 (with bumper)

Butt Weight: 15.1 oz

Shaft Length: 30″

Shaft Weight: 3.8 oz.

Ferrule: Tomahawk

Collars: Phenolic

Collar Diameter: .84″

Butt Diameter: 1.28″ (wide)

Tip Diameter: 12.83 mm

Tip: Ulraskin Fire Medium

Glue Date: 12/23

Full Core: hickory

Pin: 3/8-10



A word about shafts:

I build shafts out of ten species and carbon fiber. My advice is this: if you have a shaft you love to use, buy this butt to match that shaft. If you’ve heard of a famous shaft that you’d like to try, buy that shaft to match this butt.

However, if you’re into the art of it and want to have fun, try something new, and make your Character Cue fully badass, consider one of my ten species or carbon fiber with a like-wood decorative ring.

Read about the different species here:


Shafts: (with decorative like-wood ring)

  • Carbon Fiber — $450
  • Purple Heart — $400
  • Maple — $350
  • Birch — $350
  • White Oak — $350
  • Cherry — $350
  • Walnut — $350
  • Sassafras — $350
  • Ash — $350
  • Hickory — $350
  • Black Locust — $350

Like Wood Joint Protector: $75 each

Like-Build Extensions:

3 -6″ — $250
7 – 12″ — $300



To add a shaft, joint protector or extension, please email me at

I’ll set this page up to reflect the cue as you want to purchase it, and password protect it for you until you do so.



1 in stock

This auction has ended

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