Shippable within a few days of purchase.
The shaft is built but not buffed. No joint protector, yet.
I chose this stick randomly to give a tung oil finish. I’ve always loved the smell, and I prefer the feel of oiled wood over that of really shiny plastic. The only thing about tung oil is that it takes a long time to build up and quickly loses sheen. I have no idea if folks will like tung oil finishes, but I sure wanted to know whether it’d be doable.
It is doable. Whatever my next personal shooting stick is, it’s going to feature a clean, safe, sweet smelling and flat feeling tung oil finish.
This stick’s purchaser would be advised to buy some tung oil and apply it every now and again. A quick rub before heading out for a game’ll make the stick look and feel just right.
One other thing: the cue’s name is Stick Porn.
Why, on earth, Stick Porn?
I’ll let y’all make your own discoveries.
Arrives packed in a sporty Pool Dawg hard case with a tip shaper/chalker in the pouch.
Name: Stick Porn
Product Serial Number: #0006
Length: 60 inches
Weight: 20.3 ounce
Tip Diameter: 12.5 mm
Shaft: Carbon Fiber
Woods Used: (In order) Spalted and Stabilized* Maple, Beech (with green resin), Maple.
Cue Type: Regular Play Cue
Core: Hickory tenoned into hard maple
Finish: Tung Oil
Joint Type: Radius/Ball Thread 3/8″
Shaft Taper: Pro Taper
Warranty: Lifetime
*The stunning grain patterns and markings you see come from the wood being spalted, which means, rotten. Rotten wood is weak and unsuitable for building pool cues. But spalted wood that has been stabilized is another matter. Stabilized wood has been dried, placed in a vacuum, impregnated with resin, and cured in an oven until the resin hardens. The resulting wood is strong and durable enough to easily provide the strength required for a cue.
The wood comes from the woods around me in western PA.