While processing burl this last week I realized I had no space for it, so I did the ugly deed.

I judged.

I went through all of my stabilized wood and all my dry spalted wood, yet to be stabilized, and created a massive burn pile. All the wood that wasn’t either perfectly plain or perfectly dazzling had to go. I burned a shit ton of wood and as I reflected this morning on my week, in prayer, I apologized for both judging some wood as not good enough, and for burning something because it lacked character, and because of that, usefulness.

And my spirit heard, I know how you feel.

Remember my friends, burl results from trees defending themselves from attack. Disease, fire, insects, trees get attacked like we do. They are our peers in a way.

Burl results from suffering.

Love enough that you suffer and your soul will be burl.

No one burns burl.

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