The video shows the eight minutes of glue up that follow two hours of boring and coring. Plus me doing my best to avoid making Delta Zeta (sorority) jokes. You’ll also notice I’m using the Character Cues theme song (Head in the Clouds) in the last part of the video, just because. In all, an eclectic video with the sole redeeming virtue that it is unscripted, and shows exactly what gluing a stick entails.

Today I listed the stick in the video, Stick 25: Dizzy Christmas, but only after updating Stick 24: Sarah Phim, so all the shaft options are available when placing a stick order. Choose one or two shafts, the material for the shaft joint collar, ferrule, tip pad, and your choice of five quality tips, informed by hardness scores… (Next up is getting images of each option…)

Each subsequent stick listed shows all the options for the shafts. I have to go back and update all the other sticks.

I also listed another stick today. I thought of the name, then went looking for wood. I’ll be excited to do the glue up, as the orange with white frosting look is going to be sublime as good carrot cake.

Stick 26: Carrot Cake

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